No, you didnt read that wrong. Clout chasing has well and truly reached a toxic point in 2021, and the following story might just be the most disturbing case of it yet. Aaron Beltran, a Spanish rapper, is being accused of cutting off his roommate Andrew’s dick with a kitchen knife, for a fucking Youtube video.
It’s reported that the two men had a mutual arrangement for the procedure as well, and it was all contingent on YouTube views, with Aaron offering to pay Andrew €240 and €3,000 ($371 to $4600 AUD) depending on how well the video did.
The two men were discovered when Andrew went to the hospital post-video, with doctors miraculously able to reattach his dick to his body, but they subsequently reported them to authorities. However, in a surprising turn of events, Andrew tried to take responsibility for the amputation, with an anonymous officer stating that “When interviewing the victim in hospital he told us the accused cut off his penis. Andrew said he did not feel 100 percent a man and wanted to get rid of his penis.
“He agreed a deal with the accused to pay him €200 which would depend on how many views the video of the amputation received on YouTube. It was done on the basis of hits.”
Pretty whacky shit, authorities are now pursuing chargers against Beltran, who could face up to four years in prison if he goes to trial. Thankfully, we dont have video of the incident occurring, and we refuse to at all plug Aaron’s music, but we have the perfect thing for this situation. Check out hip hop’s Howard Stern Charlamagne Tha God weigh in on the story with his hilarious story-telling and insight below (skip to around 2:00).