Zachary Snellenberger
Misty Michigan dreams.
February 11, 2016

Usually for our Frames instalments, we try to tell the story of our beloved photographers to help you gain a better understanding of them and their lense. Zachary Snellenberger is the exception.

After becoming frustrated with working two jobs and trying to freelance on the side, Zachary landed his dream photography job at Imperial Motion. Growing up in Michigan, the talented photographer has a penchant for skateboards, nature, and anything new. His story is certainly the recipe for beautiful photos. Read his story and gaze at some of our favourite images of his below.

I was born and raised in Michigan. I lived a bike ride away from Lake Michigan, and moved to Washington shortly after I turned 21. I’m in Tacoma now, a smaller city outside of Seattle. I’m self-taught and found interest in taking pictures during my senior year of high school. After I turned 21, my camera had been broken for about six months, and I was drinking too much being freshly legal. Fuck, I was even thinking about going back to college. One night I got a call from one of the co-founders at Imperial Motion to shoot for a Transworld Skate trip they were doing with their team throughout Seattle. It was my first big trip for freelance work and it couldn’t have come at a better time.

So I said fuck it, and quit my job the following Monday, flew out Tuesday, and I’ve been out here ever since. I’m constantly learning and growing with my job at Imperial Motion. It’s been great to be a part of something bigger working with these dudes, and to have other creatives trust your judgement whilst helping the brand and movement grow. It’s a hell of a lot better than working my old job at a thrift store during the day, working at a restaurant at nights, then trying to do freelance and push my photography whenever I wasn’t working.
Growing up in Michigan near the lake was always inspiring and helped me stay creative. It’s definitely the hidden treasure of the Midwest. My surroundings are where I draw my inspiration from, whether that be new places, people, sounds, or the weather. The best is being packed in a van on a road trip, though. I like constant change and being overwhelmed by strange, new experiences.

As for what I’m trying to achieve with taking photos – I just want to create & inspire others. Basically the camera has kept me driven and motivated for the past four years. It keeps me from going crazy after the shitty parts of life happen, and I want to see as many places and faces as I can. The fact that this is what’s making everything happen gets me stoked.



Lost In a dream






Fuck It


“Fuck Em”


Dreamin of July







Cliff Jumping

Cliff Jumping

Editors Pick
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