May 23, 2018

The Scarlett Matches website has launched, and now is the best time to strike.

Oh the endless possibilities of objects one could burn; candles, campfires, cigarettes, witches – the list goes on and on, and now we can burn ‘til our heathen hearts are content with Scarlett Matches having just launched their website. It’s where you can catch their range of matches, caps and shirts and get some general burning inspo.

The box design looks like the cover of a noirish detective novel or a 70’s horror film, and you could easily imagine Mia Wallace from Pulp Fiction striking one of these bad boys before sucking down a ciggie with the kind of poise and class that you don’t really get from run-of-the-mill lighter.

Shop their select range of matches, tees and caps here, and don’t forget to burn… everything

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