Frames: Jack Steel
June 14, 2019

Jack Steel has seen the world off the back of his photography skills.

Picking up a camera to “distract himself from a software engineering degree” back in 2015, it’s hard to imagine the Sydney-based photographer Jack Steel would have had any idea where the hobby would lead him. Learning how to use his Nikon 7100 from YouTube tutorials, the then 20-year-old steadily built up a portfolio, enlisting friends to model for him, as he finessed his shooting and editing skills.

Fast forward four years and he’s made photography his full-time career. Reaping the benefits of his talent for producing stunning high-fashion snaps, particularly appreciating the travel opportunities it has afforded him. “Photography work has taken me to every continent (except Antarctica) and over 15 countries,” Jack says. “I’m about to board a flight to Paris for Fashion Week. Before I started photography I had never left Australia.”

Looking at a selection of some of his finest pictures below, you can nearly guess who takes inspiration from. “Fashion photography-wise I love Nicole Bentley & Darren McDonald. Darren also has the world’s strongest Instagram game, in my opinion.”

Head here to see more of Jack’s photography on Instagram:

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