Mad Love: Joanna Frank
We figure out how to do it all with one of the best!
Mad Love
Words by Andrew Yee March 15, 2021

Making a career within the arts is a challenging prospect. Often, hard choices, like creating something that will scratch that itch of self-expression or work to keep the lights on, will be in front of you. Australian creative Joanna Frank manages to do it all with a style that is all her own.

Frank has spent the better part of the last decade delicately walking the thin tightrope between a graphic designer and a working artist. All the while, she has constantly experimented and created an arresting body of work. Clients and art fans alike have sung the praises of her abstract compositions, bold colours and collaging of images from all worlds. As Frank continues to define herself in whatever she does, we count our selves lucky in the fact we get to witness it!

Huge thanks to Joanna Frank for taking the time to sit down and chat with us! Follow her @madrasmade. As always, shout outs to Tiger Beer for providing us with some ice cold beers on a particularly balmy afternoon!

Also, if you liked the music we used in the episode, you can thank Joanna Frank again! Yep she truly does it all. The track ‘Fever Smile’ and more can be found on her 2020 release ‘My Wild Love!’. Check it out below and here!

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