Here Are The Top 10 Most Memorable ‘Jackass’ Stunts
Do not try this at home.
Words by Tom Disalvo February 7, 2022

We’re looking back at Knoxville and co.’s most daring stunts to prepare ourselves for Jackass Forever…

Johnny Knoxville and the Jackass crew returned to our screens last week with the fourth instalment of their death-defying stunt-manship in Jackass Forever. The film, which will be last of its kind and just recently topped the box office on its opening weekend, appropriately sends-off the titular jackasses with all the gag-inducing absurdity that they’ve become known for since their MTV show first aired some 22 years ago. 

In celebration of the ever-likeable larrikins and their gag-inducing debauchery, we’re counting down the top 10 wildest Jackass stunts. Forewarning, and this should go without saying, but do not try this at home.

Poo Cocktail Supreme (Jackass 3D)

Let’s get the gross ones out of the way to spare your stomachs. Leave it to Steve-O to orchestrate what might be the most disgusting stunt in Jackass’s already-outlandish catalogue, during which he sits inside a portaloo hoisted by bungee cords. The results, as you might’ve guessed, are pretty shitty, so much so that what began as levitating poo quickly became a mixture of Steve-O’s own vomit. Delicious.

Sweatsuit Cocktail (Jackass 3D)

Jackass 3D must’ve had an affinity for bodily fluid ‘cocktails.’ In this stunt, the cast switch out portaloo remnants for sweat, funnelling the mixture from a sweatsuited Preston during a particularly balmy workout. Steve-O, with his apparent guts of steel, proceeds to consume the salty elixir, some of which was scraped from Preston’s butt. Order up!

Paper Cuts (Jackass: The Movie)

Ever heard the saying, ‘death by a thousand cuts’? In Jackass: The Movie, Koxville takes this age-old adage to its (il)logical conclusion, subjecting himself to innumerable paper cuts in the most wince-inducing of places (between the toes, to be exact). What this stunt lacks in big-budget flair, it more than makes up for in vicarious squeam, and it was enough to make even the cameraman heave.

The High Five (Jackass 3D)

The High Five is quintessential Jackass. Simple yet funny, Knoxville’s glee when he pulls and releases a massive retractable hand onto his unsuspecting friends is the sort of mindless comedy that made the group famous. It’s also probably where the term ‘slapstick’ came from.

Butt X-Ray (Jackass: The Movie)

Ingenious isn’t a word you’d usually associate with a group of adrenaline junkies, but when Ryan Dunn inserted a toy car into his butt in Jackass: The Movie, he changed the course of X-rays forever. While it wasn’t initially clear why Dunn sat on a HotWheels (to each his own), the payoff came when he visited an unsuspecting doctor, whose surprise after finding the toy car is the stuff of comedy gold.

Beehive Limo (Jackass Number Two)

Anaphylactics be warned, this stunt stings. While riding backseat in a limo, two of the Jackass crew get the surprise of their life after Knoxville deploys a whole beehive through the sunroof. After using each other as human shields, the members frantically try to escape the limo, but in a real icing on the booby-trap cake, Knoxville had dispersed a bunch of marbles under the car exit. Trips, slips and a whole lotta bee stings ensue.

See-saw And Bullshit (Jackass Number Two)

The sheer physics involved in this stunt is something to behold. Strapped to a quadruple see-saw, Knoxville and the gang take turns teetering above a live bull. But what goes up must come down, and after narrowly dodging it for a few minutes, the horned animal eventually sees red. His target? A lollipop-wielding Knoxville and co.

Jet Engine (Jackass 3D)

Hilarious in its simplicity, the jet engine stunt of Jackass 3D doesn’t need a danger or gross factor to work.  Performing various tasks (like waiting tables) in front of a full-blasting engine, the crew appear to be having the time of their lives. After deploying a few tomatoes in the airstream, one participant proceeds to take a piss, with dizzying results.

Golf Course Airhorn (Jackass: The Movie)

Some of the best Jackass moments come courtesy of the pranksters’ many victims, which in the case of Jackass: The Movie, was an assortment of unsuspecting golfers. Firing off an airhorn right before the players took a swing, the golfing prank naturally resulted in some heated moments between the crew and their targets, one of whom launched a club after his par was loudly interrupted.

Lamborghini Tooth Pull (Jackass 3D)

It’s something that you probably considered when you were in your teething years, but when Danger Ehren rids himself of a wonky tooth with the help of a Lamborghini and some fishing line, it’s not nearly as painless as your child brain might’ve thought. The ‘yoink’ sound of Ehran’s dislodged tooth is so perfect you’d think it was dubbed-over.

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