Ben & Jerry’s Have A Cheeky Dig At ScoMo With New Flavour ‘Un-Fudge Our Future!’
Nicely done.
August 14, 2020

Bet it tastes amazing too…

Never failing to deliver quick-witted and hilarious marketing decisions (all the while serving up some straight up delicious ice-cream) Ben & Jerrys have come through with a hilarious but deliberate new flavour, putting renewable energy at the forefront with ‘Un-Fudge Our Future!’

The new flavour (limited edition) features a mix of non-dairy chocolate and peanut butter ice-cream packed with chunks of fudge brownies and peanut butter cookie dough, along with a demand of old mate ScoMo, treasure Josh Frydenberg and energy minister Angus Taylor to “make fossil fuels history and invest in a fast and fair transition to 100% renewables.”

Adding to the ingenuity and marketing behind the new flavour, Ben & Jerry’s have also printed pre-addressed postcards to the the people in charge of our energy, as long as making personal pints for ScoMo and his accomplices.

“The climate crisis is getting worse every single day and despite everything that 2020 has thrown at us we have not forgotten about the horrendous bushfires earlier this year. If the bushfires taught us one thing it was that we need to make fossil fuels history!”

You can read the rest of the ice-cream giants’ statement at their website here, but for now, check out their trailer for the new flavour below.

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