Our Thoughts On The Wildest ‘Euphoria’ Predictions Ahead Of The Season 2 Finale
What's in store for Rue?
Words by Tom Disalvo February 14, 2022

All images via HBO//

From potential deaths to human trafficking subplots, here’s the internet’s predictions of what’s to come in Euphoria

Despite an almost two-year gap between its first and second seasons, HBO’s coming-of-age series Euphoria returned this year to an equal, if not exceeding, level of fanfare. Bringing back the high-stakes drama that made its 2019 debut one of the year’s buzziest, Euphoria’s sophomore season makes good on its promise of teen angst, dizzying cinematography and enough drug-fuelled antics to rival that of Narcos.

So feverish is the audience response to Euphoria’s second season that the internet has since been set alight by fans hell-bent on theorising what’s to come of Rue and her gang of fellow high-schoolers. So, as the drama series swiftly approaches its finale and with the penultimate episode airing next week, we’re investigating (and debunking) some of the most popular predictions for Euphoria season two. Spoilers ahead. 

Laurie will sex-traffic Rue. 

Arising after Euphoria’s most recent episode, this theory proposes that Laurie – the emotionless dealer from whom Rue purchased thousands of dollars worth of drugs – intends to sex traffic Rue as repayment for her botched dealings. Given Laurie’s remarks in earlier episodes that she’d “kidnap [Rue] and have [her] sold,” it’s definitely a plausible prediction, amplified by the fact that Laurie drugged Rue with morphine and locked her in a bedroom. Rue’s eventual escape from Laurie’s house might debunk this theory, but viewers still don’t know for how long she was unconscious.  


Rue’s death has been foreshadowed.

Of all Euphoria fan theories, it’s Rue’s potential death that’s gained the most traction. After episode four, internet sleuths were quick to point out that in Rue’s loved-up fantasy of her and Jules, she’s inhabiting famous characters who all die in their respective stories. While Rue’s portrayal of Jack from Titanic and Sam from Ghost make a compelling argument for her prospective death, it’s also been theorised that an early-season church sequence is a metaphor for Rue’s passing.

Faye is an informant. 

Faye was introduced alongside fellow newcomer Elliot in the premiere episode, and while she’s as yet had little to do with the plot, she has still generated some outlandish fan theories. The general hypothesis suggests that, after pushing a motel manager off a balcony in episode one, Faye struck a deal with the feds to incriminate Fez for a lesser sentence. Based on the minimal evidence we have on Faye so far, it seems like somewhat of a stretch, but nothing would surprise us in Euphoria-ville.  

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Elliot stole the drug-filled suitcase.

Rue’s deal with Laurie to sell $50,000 worth of drugs was a ticking time bomb from the beginning, but Jules’ admission that she and Elliot flushed the stash is a little fishy. It’s thought that Elliot, who knew of Rue’s dealings, may have stolen the drug-filled suitcase to profit on his own or, in a more heartwarming prediction, to repay Rue’s debts to Laurie.

Image via HBO//

Maddy will leak Jules and Cal’s tape.

This isn’t a matter of if, but when. Maddy’s possession of an explicit tape of Cal and an underage Jules was a major driver of season one’s drama. Now that Maddy knows of Nate’s affair with Cassie, it stands to reason that her hair-trigger temper will result in her distributing the tape as revenge. 


Elliot is Nate’s half-brother. 

While it’s perhaps the most implausible prediction on this list, Nate’s potential relation to Elliot is grounded in the fact that, while we’ve seen two brothers in the Jacob’s family, the third son pictured in the family portrait has been entirely absent. This could boil down to an editing mishap, or perhaps even an unrelated death, but an Elliot and Nate relationship would be a major plot twist. 

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