Bloody Pig Head Planted Outside LA Police Station
June 10, 2020

Left image via TMZ, right image via //

A bloody pig head was left outside Rampart Police Station in Los Angeles.

As protests over the death of George Floyd continued around the US over the weekend, a not-so-subtle reminder of what many protesters think of the police was placed outside an LA police station.

A severed pig’s head on a (roughly) one metre spike was planted in the ground on the Rampart police station lawn on Saturday afternoon in another display of contempt for police. Though it’s unclear why this station was targeted, a quick Google shows that Rampart was once at the centre of one of the US’s biggest police scandals, when the force went rogue in the late ‘90s, committing multiple crimes against the community it was supposed to serve.

So far there are no leads on the pig’s head, though local authorities are reviewing security video.

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