A Crocodile Has Managed To Have A Baby Without Getting Jiggy With It
The second coming.
June 13, 2023

‘Croc Jesus’ has a nice ring to it…

In what’s utterly perplexing reptile lovers around the planet, a crocodile has managed to be born via facultative parthenogenesis, AKA, a virgin birth. As most of you will probably know (and if you don’t, get your life together), it usually takes two to tango for a living being to get pregnant, but it seems crocs have taken in the next step forward in their genetic evolution.

The croc was initially discovered by a team of researchers, who stumbled upon 14 eggs inside the enclosure of an 18-year-old female crocodile residing in sunny Costa Rica by herself. Magically, however, she had managed to fertilize seven of her eggs without help, in what’s the biggest F U to the male croc population in recent memory.

However, after months of being in an artificial incubation chamber, the eggs remained hatched. Minus one, however, which showcased a fully formed but non-viable fetus. It’s a pretty crazy revelation, but it turns out that virgin births are nothing new in the animal world, with it being recorded in the likes of sharks, lizards and more.

Either way, it seems that once again crocodiles have proved that they’re the most terrifying reptiles out there.


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