So You Wanna Microdose? Your Ultimate No-Bullshit Guide To Microdosing Mushrooms
How to microdose shrooms and win at life.
April 27, 2023

Images via Getty/ADULTSWIM/Universal Pictures/Disney //

Seems like everyone’s got a friend/aunt/dog who’s microdosing these days…

The popularity of microdosing magic mushrooms has skyrocketed over the last few years, helped, in part, by the fact that psilocybin mushrooms are becoming increasingly legalised in places from Brazil to the Bahamas, and decriminalised in others, including a growing amount of cities in the US (most notably Washington D.C., aka the home of The White House *insert eyes emoji*).

Yet it can be hard to know some of the basics around microdosing, like exactly how much to take and what to expect when doing so – especially as they remain illegal in a majority of countries (including Australia). So whether you wanna microdose for the first time or simply find out more, you’ve come to the right place.

What the hell is psilocybin?

Basically the magic in the mushroom, psilocybin is a naturally occurring psychedelic compound found in certain species of mushrooms, commonly known as “magic mushrooms” or “shrooms”. It is a chemical that can affect the brain by binding to serotonin receptors, which can lead to a range of psychological and physiological effects.

What does microdosing magic mushrooms feel like?

While far from inducing a full-blown psychedelic trip, microdosing has been known to induce far more subtle (but in no way less meaningful) effects.

People report still being able to work and function normally while microdosing, even finding *improved* productivity, focus and creativity. Some have compared it to a “heightened version of being sober”.

For the most part, microdosing leaves you feeling fairly normal, with a bit more pep in your step, so you can still get through everyday life without you and the rest of the world dissolving into hexagonal lattice.

What are the benefits of microdosing?

Microdosing has been associated with an impressive list of benefits including improved mood, happiness and mental well-being and increased mental clarity leading to a boost in focus, productivity and creativity. Similarly, it’s been known to promote a reduction in stress, anxiety and depression and even used for pain relief.

Psychedelic substances have been shown to increase neural plasticity and promote the growth of new neurons, which may explain some of these benefits.

So…how much is a microdose?

A standard microdose is around one-third of a gram (around 0.3 grams), although realistically a microdose can be anything from 0.1 to 0.9 grams.

There is a bit of trial and error involved when it comes to microdosing in order to find the amount that works best for you, as it can vary depending on your size and even how often you do it (you may find you need to ingest more if you’re microdosing more frequently).

It’s recommended you start smaller with a dose of 0.1 grams (especially if you haven’t had any experience with magic mushrooms before), and if required, work your way up to a higher dose that feels right.

And how do you consume a microdose?

Mushrooms can be a little inconsistent when it comes to their potency. Different strains (and even different parts of the shroom itself) can contain different quantities of the psychedelic substance psilocybin.

The easiest way to measure your mushroom dosage, and ensure you have control over its potency, is to grind them into a powder. This can be done using a coffee or spice grinder (just make sure they’re dried out first).

There are a few different ways to ingest shrooms. While some people opt to eat them as-is or even sprinkle them on honey toast, it should be known that mushrooms have, well…a bit of a taste. Some have even likened it to dirt.

If you’ve ground them into powder, you may want to simply put them in a capsule, or even add them to your morning tea. Even a simple brew of hot water, lemon and honey does the trick. Just don’t skimp on the honey.

How often should you do it?

Generally, people tend to follow a schedule of some kind when microdosing. One suggested option is to microdose every second or third day for a week or two, and then take a week off. This can help you avoid building up a tolerance (and also save on money).

Ultimately, there’s no right option, and it really comes down to personal preference. It can help to keep a journal when microdosing so you can track its effects and work out the approach that’s right for you.

While you shouldn’t notice any major effects when microdosing, it’s a good idea to clear your schedule the very first time you try it. That way you can be present with the feeling (and not distracted by any external stresses) and just enjoy it.

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