Police Seize $400,000 In The Most Random Hiding Spot In Queensland Raids
All about that bass.
November 20, 2020

Images via QPS //

Well that’s definitely one place we weren’t expecting…

In case you didn’t hear, a bunch of crazy early morning police raids took place this past week in southeast Queensland, with a flood of cash and drugs being seized during the operation.

The raids were a part of Operation Sierra Carious, stretching from Queensland to the Gold Coast as well as Logan and Redland Bay. It all seems pretty intense serious, but there was also some strange AF shit as well that’s hard not to laugh at.

Specifically, cops found literally $400,000 in cash jammed into a speaker in a Gold Coast garage, along with drugs, a bunch of mobile phones and a knife (I guess it really is all about that bass).

Police also conducted a raid at a residence in Richmond Crescent in Waterford, finding a tonne of drugs there as well. So far a 43-year-old man from Coomera is being charged, along with a 29-year-old man and 25-year-old woman, both facing drug charges along with a slew of others.

Pretty crazy, check out images of the cooked hiding spot below.

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