Ryder Lawson – USA
Not quiet a Vacation.
Photos by February 10, 2016

Sometime through 2015 Ryder and I embarked on a 6 week road trip down the west Coast of the USA. I asked him to recount a few standout moments through the haze of our hell ride.

Portland – Credit Card Fraud
The day Corbin Harris was due to fly out we pulled into a friendly looking servo, immediately welcomed by the petrol attendant fuelling up for us. A bunch of commotion began as Corbin attempted to pay on car before the attendant (or so we thought) ran across the road, jumped into some cracked out chevy and did a fat burn out (SKIDDIESSS) and disappeared into the distance. We still have no idea what happened or what the dude was doing, it left us all super confused and kinda shaken up. Suspected rookie credit-card fraud.


Seattle – Shootouts & Starbucks Boobs
Seattle was gnarly, we were cruising down this main road near Oprah’s famous chicken spot in the rental beast-mobile and all of a sudden an ambulance and a bunch of police cut us off. We looked down towards the alley where they were rushing off to and saw a crowd of people staring. Some unlucky dude had just been shot, a street away from us, what would’ve only been minutes before we were around – Cray Cray. Our guided night tour with Sky Siljek was loads of fun (the dude knows his shit, hats off to him). Between the full-scale adult playground and some tasty seattle dogs we saw the gem of America’s first Starbucks, still featuring the topless coffee queen logo. Them nips.
IMG_7899Sky Siljeg – Tailgrab one footer over the ‘woosh’

Sacramento – One Big Jump
I had no idea what to expect with sac. We were greeted by some doped-out hippy bitch in her late 40’s holding a sign on the side of the road next to her Scooby-Doo zombie combie. It was super sick.

Our whole reason for being there was a particular 20 stair Rail that Cody Lockwood had travelled down from Portland a week later to meet us for.

Cody got slammed super hard feeble grinding it (Check his hall of meat on Thrasher) which would’ve killed anybody else, before bouncing up and landing that shit easy. It took me another 30 minutes and a dick-teacher to call the cops for me to even jump on it. A few shots later i rolled away from a boardslide. We all ran to the cars and boosted asap, Putting plastic bags on our license plates so the teacher couldn’t take photos for the po-po. We legit turned onto the free-way as the police were mach-10 speeding towards the school with their lights blaring, shit was gnarly – definitely a session I won’t soon forget – Cody you the Man!!

IMG_8428 IMG_8531-Edit
 Ryder Lawson – BS Boardslide

San Francisco – its Oakland bluh…
We had homies in Oakland we crashed with for a few nights while we were around San Fransisco. I woke from my bed (aka the couch beneath the front window) at about 2 in the morning to a smash followed by a loud bang. With the homies dog barking its head off I had a look outside and the next-door neighbours car had been fire bombed. Cameron rushed to the rental cars rescue, as it was parked right behind the flaming wreck, and moved it as all responsible car-hirers would – I was way too scared to go anywhere near that time bomb haha. Apparently the neighbours were super shady and it seemed like an insurance fraud scenario, that was my introduction to the hood that is Oakland.IMG_8416-Edit Ryder Lawson – BS Smith

P1580170Alex Conn – Ollie

Long Beach – Beached
The LBC shared many good times with me. Upon arrival Cam had lined up a place for us to crash with his good mate Billy Davenport, who had a sick apartment just around the corner from the infamous Cherry Park. After a long ass drive from SF it became apparent that Billy had gone from responsible adult to ‘Blackout Bill. He was too drunk to get his address to us despite Cam pleading with him over the phone multiple times. So we raced to Walmart, grabbed sleeping bags and slept on the beach. Some one we only came across one weird ass meth’d up dude, talking about angels and shit which was pretty funny. I slept like a log and literally minutes after packing up our shit the cops arrived, it was perfect timing and our beach vacation was in full effect. BEACHED.IMG_9703

IMG_9126Ryder Lawson – Nollie 5-0

The states were tight. Can’t wait for 2016 fam.


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