"Photographic poems."
Words by Tom Disalvo July 20, 2022

Indulge yourself in life’s forgotten moments in this week’s edition of Frames, courtesy of Jade

Jade thinks of her photography in the same way that a writer thinks of their poems. Compiling otherwise-forgotten fragments of life in her native France and beyond, Jade’s work tells the infinite stories that comprise any given day, from a grassy parkside picnic to an evening train commute. It’s this attention to life’s passing details that Jade believes is synonymous with that of a poet, and it’s why she speaks so eloquently about her craft. 

“Photography came to me as a cure for nostalgia, a way to capture these everyday fragments so they could remain intact somewhere. I chose the insignificant to turn it into poetry, that’s how I would like to summarize my photos, small photographic poems, the poetry of the banal,” Jade says. 

In capturing the subtleties of daily errand-running, from a cafe-bound patron to a passerby dancing to a walkman, the poetic function of Jade’s portfolio is clear. But since beginning her career some 15 years ago, Jade has become just as interested in photography as a means of preservation. Jade first preserved these fleeting moments with her first-ever Pentax film camera, and she’s been documenting them ever since.    

“I have always wished to keep memories of special moments…[These] moments often disappear as quickly as they appeared in our lives. They turn into past, obsolete and forgotten moments…Photography allows me to know that the moments have become memories and are forever immortalized,” Jade says. 

Fittingly for a craftsman of her stature, Jade is well-versed in the tools of her trade, borrowing expert tips from famous French photographer Henri Cartier-Bresson. Considered the master of candid photography, Bresson’s advice to capture the ‘decisive moment’ guides much of Jade’s portfolio, and like any artist, she’s equally led by muses that “make [her] heart beat.”

“I like to create or capture a timeless image that reminds me of my childhood, something that could not be dated, a time lost in the past…I usually press the button because something or someone touches me, makes my heart beat. without thinking if the photo will please or not.”

Get caught up with Jade’s full Frames portfolio below, and head here to follow her on Instagram.  


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