Tom Hoy
Snow, sand and everything in between.
July 15, 2020

Tom Hoy is living the dream.

Like many of the photographers featured in Frames, Newcastle-based 24-year-old Tom Hoy can remember the moment when shooting outgrew its ‘hobby’ status for him. It seems after taking a little nibble as a teenager, the craft fully swallowed him up following due to his spending hours getting to know it.

“I first picked up a camera in about 2010 where I used to shoot my friends bodyboarding and surfing in my home town of Bunbury, Western Australia,” Tom says. “I remember capturing a certain image at the beach one day, one that is lost deep in the cyber world, that was crazy different from anything that I had shot before which I guess, ignited the passion of photography from a spark more into a flame.”

As you can see from the snaps below, he isn’t tied down to shooting a particular subject. Whether it’s surf, snow or scenic (all things that we see shot a million times) he has a knack for bringing a different perspective to whatever he’s focussed on. From what we can tell, he’s always in shoot-mode, chasing that undocumented angle.

“I’ll bring a camera with me to most places I go to capture moments whether it be walking to the shops to snowboarding, hiking, surfing, skating or even getting a pass to shoot music. I enjoy meeting new people and creating images to show how skilled these people are in their own discipline.”

Enjoying the photography game and building his portfolio is pretty much his only goal (albeit a big one) within the industry. “I really just want to keep traveling the world and shoot sports/lifestyle and create content for brands, as cliche as that sounds,” he says. “I’m inspired by the landscapes and mood of the scene around me which I really try to incorporate into my images.”

As long as he keeps producing quality images like the ones below, we’re happy. Check ‘em out and don’t forget to follow him on Instagram here:

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