So An Earthquake Hit The Eastern Side Of Australia This Morning
Just what we needed.
September 22, 2021

Image via Twitter //

Did you feel that?

Shortly after 9am this morning an earthquake hit various sections of Australia’s East Coast, with reports from the Bureau of Meteorology stating that it reached a magnitude 6.0 (which is apparently quite gnarly) in Mansfield, Victoria. There have been reports of tremors from Tasmania through to Newcastle (according to my sister who was evacuated from her office building), as once again we find ourselves catching whatever crazy shit 2021 has to throw at us.

Thankfully, there have been no reports of death or serious injury (at the time of writing), and no tsunami is on its way either:

Naturally Twitter is now flooded with earthquake related content that ranges from funny through to freaky, including a video of Michael Rowland and Tony Armstrong feeling the effects in realtime on ABC News Breakfast. We’ve collated some of that content here to save you swimming through that swamp of a platform:

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